Mizzou Ed Bully Prevention Lab

Establishing Bully-Free Schools Through Training, Intervention, and Policy.
The Mizzou Ed Bully Prevention Lab was created in 2016 with the primary mission of reducing bullying among school-aged youth through skill-based interventions. We support the school-wide training and implementation of universal bully prevention interventions for K-12 schools, while providing targeted and individualized interventions for students who are at-risk for escalated rates of bullying involvement.
Our Mission
Research and evaluate school-wide and targeted bully prevention interventions in K-12 environments.
Implement skill-based bully prevention interventions that are grounded in social and emotional learning.
Design, implement, and evaluate individualized bully prevention interventions for students identified as at-risk for increased bullying involvement, including youth from traditionally marginalized populations.
Train school leaders, K-12 educators, preservice teachers, and community members on evidence-based bully prevention strategies, and support the development of school-wide bully prevention policies.
Work with state and federal legislators, centers, networks, and advocates to develop inclusive and comprehensive bully prevention policies that are designed to support social, behavioral, and academic outcomes for school-aged youth.